Managing Dental Anxiety: 8 Strategies From Oakville Dentists for Comfortable Visits

10 October 2024

Dental anxiety is a very common experience among our patients. For some, their dental phobia is so strong that it prevents them from visiting their dentist regularly.

However, regular dental care from a professional clinic is essential to your long-term health. Missing appointments can compromise the health of your teeth and gums. Therefore, it’s very important that you learn and implement strategies to help you face your dental fears. This article is here to help, as are our dentists at Oakville Place Dental.

If you’re afraid of visiting the dentist, please let us know. We strive to provide a comforting and calming environment for all our patients, especially those experiencing dental anxiety.

1. Pick the right dental office

The right dental office is ready, willing, and dedicated to helping you manage your dental anxiety. You’re not alone in this—and you shouldn’t feel like you are. Many patients struggle with feeling anxious, stressed, or panicked at the thought of sitting in the dentist’s chair. It’s very common and nothing to be ashamed of. So, please, don’t be afraid to let us know and ask for help.

At Oakville Place Dental, we strive to do everything in our power to create a warm, welcoming, and friendly environment for our patients. Your oral health and comfort are our top priorities. After all, your oral health will improve if you feel comfortable visiting our clinic.

Dental anxiety can be debilitating and, as a result, sometimes prevent patients from seeing us regularly. When this happens, your oral health suffers. Bi-annual cleanings and checkups are essential for the health of your teeth and gums, so we don’t want you to miss a single appointment!

Furthermore, we are highly experienced in helping our patients deal with their dental anxiety. Every member of our dental team is ready to assist you and make your visit as comfortable as possible. We’re available to answer questions, so ask away.

2. Communicate with your Oakville dentist

Don’t suffer in silence. Talk to your dentist in Oakville about how you’re feeling. If we don’t know that you experience dental anxiety, we can’t take steps to set your worries to rest. 

Communication must be the first step. Please tell your dentist that you have dental anxiety or phobia so we can help you confront your fears and ensure that you have a positive experience at our clinic. 

Remember, dental anxiety is very common, more so if it’s an emergency visit! You are not our first patient to experience pre-appointment jitters, and you will not be the last. Don’t be embarrassed and don’t hesitate to let us know.

We encourage you to have an open and honest conversation with your dental team. It helps us better understand your needs so we can provide the best possible care in an environment that feels safe and calming.

3. Ask your dentist to explain the procedure

The less we know about something, the scarier it tends to be. This is especially true when it comes to dental procedures. Even a routine and perfectly safe procedure can sound nerve-wracking if you don’t understand what it entails.

Modern dentistry is extremely safe and highly effective. Our dentist in Oakville has completed every procedure hundreds—if not thousands—of times. Not only do they know what they’re doing, they’re also very capable of explaining exactly what they’ll be doing (in clear, easy-to-understand language, too). We can discuss your specific fears and address them, thus putting your mind at ease.

Remember, your Oakville dentist will never proceed with a treatment that puts you at risk.

4. See if sedatives are an option

In some cases, you may need a little extra help. Sedation dentistry is a life-changing option for patients facing debilitating dental phobia. With the help of certain sedatives, your anxiety becomes much easier to manage. This makes your dental visits far more comfortable and less terrifying. Moreover, knowing that sedation is an option can help you face your dental fears.

5. Choose a hand signal for when you need a break

Before your treatment begins, decide on a hand signal with your dentist. That way, you can easily let them know when you need a break. A pause during your procedure can be very beneficial as it gives you a moment to reset, breathe, and calm down.

Hand signals are a great way to communicate with your dentist throughout a procedure. Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed or too anxious, simply ask for a pause using your chosen hand signal.

6. Bring a friend or loved one with you

The support of a friend or loved one can help you face your dental fears. You do not have to do this alone! While the Oakville Place Dental team is ready to offer support during your appointment, we recognize that the presence of someone you know well will likely have the biggest impact. 

Ask someone you love and trust to accompany you to your dental appointments. This will help you feel less alone, calmer, and more in control. Just make sure that your loved one does not share your fears of the dentist! It’s very important that they are a calming, reassuring, and attentive presence. They should be happy to listen to your fears and offer support.

7. Learn relaxation and distraction techniques

Relaxation and distraction techniques can be immensely helpful for patients with dental anxiety or dental phobia. Some of these coping mechanisms can be implemented before your appointment when you’re still at home and in the waiting room. Others can be practised during your appointment, when you need extra help.

When we talk about relaxation techniques, we’re often talking about mindfulness practices. For example, deep breathing and meditation can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. 

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can become better equipped to face anxiety-inducing situations (like visiting the dentist!). Setting some time aside before your appointment to meditate can put you in a calmer mindset.

You can use distraction techniques while sitting in the dentist’s chair. These can help relax and distract you, so you pay less attention to any unpleasant sensations or sounds.

Listening to music or your favourite soothing audio is an easy one. You can also keep your hands busy with a fidget spinner or stress ball. Alternatively, bring a weighted blanket or a comforting object.

8. Avoid stressful triggers beforehand

What you do before your appointment can have a big impact on how you feel during your appointment. For instance, getting enough quality sleep can make a huge difference. When we’re tired and sleep-deprived, we’re more prone to feeling anxious and emotional.

Also, try to avoid having caffeine before your appointment if you experience dental anxiety. That morning coffee can betray you in your time of need. Caffeine stimulates anxiousness, which is not what you need the morning of your dental visit.

Dealing with traffic also qualifies as a stressful trigger. We do not suggest battling rush hour on the way to your appointment. After all, worrying about being late for your appointment can easily turn into worrying about your appointment. Instead, book your appointment at a time that works best for you and suits your schedule. We want you to arrive feeling well-rested, fresh, and calm.

For a Comfortable and Welcoming Environment, Visit Oakville Place Dental

At Oakville Place Dental, we strive to provide a positive and pain-free experience to all our patients. Our modern office is comfortable, welcoming, and staffed by friendly team members. We want you to feel at ease whenever you visit us.

Additionally, we offer a wide range of comprehensive services to care for your teeth and gums throughout your life. We use the latest dental technologies to ensure you receive the best possible dental care.

We also take steps to work with your insurance company, billing them directly for applicable services whenever possible.

To make an appointment with our dentist in Oakville, call Oakville Place Dental at 905-842-6030 or contact us here.

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