Healthy Mouth, Healthy Heart, Healthy Relationships

8 March 2016

Whether we are in a long term relationship or a budding romance, we all want to feel confident as we whisper sweet nothings to our loved one. If our breath is less than sweet and inviting, it could ruin the whole night. Roses, wine and the best of bling won’t improve the situation.

We all desire a healthy mouth, a healthy heart and a healthy relationship. In fact, they may all be intertwined.

Let’s explain what we mean.

Importance of a Healthy Mouth

In order to have a really healthy mouth, you need a consistent oral health regimen. That means brushing at least twice a day, flossing at least once per day, plus an oral rinse. It also means brushing correctly, long enough and with the right tooth paste. Changing your tooth brush regularly is also a good habit.

These practices begin when we are young and hopefully become second nature. Proper dental hygiene along with regular visits to a dental professional helps to keep our oral health in check. Areas in our mouth which are difficult to reach can be addressed during your dental appointment.

Problems arise when we become inconsistent or lazy and don’t keep our teeth and gums clean. It’s easy to get careless when we’re tired at night or in a rush in the morning.

Careful brushing removes the food particles and bacteria that can blend with sugars to create that sticky colorless film known as plaque. If this is not removed each day, it will harden into tartar leaving you a possible victim of cavities and decay, inflamed gums, gum disease and infection. The only way to remove tartar is by a visit to a dental professional.

Did you know Infections in your mouth might affect other parts of your body?

How Your Oral Health Can Affect Your Heart and Overall Health

Not only can an unpleasant smelly mouth affect your love life, but the health of your teeth, mouth and gums can also affect other general health issues.

Bacteria from your mouth can spread through your bloodstream to other parts of your body. Research suggests some health conditions are linked to oral health and can contribute to and be affected by the health of your mouth.

Some examples include:

  • An infection in the lining of your heart called Endocarditis is linked to oral bacteria.
  • Diabetes lowers our resistance to infection and puts our gums at risk. Patients with diabetes seem to have more frequent and severe cases of gum disease.
  • Cardiovascular disease, stroke and clogged arteries may be associated with inflammation and infections from oral bacteria.
  • Periodontitis has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight.
  • Patients with HIV/AIDS have a lower resistance to infection and tend to have more oral issues.

Signs of Periodontal Disease


Without proper oral hygiene bacteria can grow unchecked and lead to gum disease and serious infections called periodontal (gum) disease. Many adults have some form of mild gum disease. Simple gum inflammations are common, but it can turn into a more serious situation if not corrected.

If the bacteria, plaque and tartar are not consistently removed, you can develop gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums.

A more serious form of gum disease is known as periodontitis.

Although conclusive links have not been established between oral health, periodontal disease, and heart health, it is important to be aware of the signs of periodontal disease.

  1. Red tender swollen gums
  2. Bleeding gums when brushing
  3. Bad taste in your mouth
  4. Chronic bad breath
  5. Gums pulling away from the teeth
  6. Sensitive teeth
  7. Pain when chewing

Always confer with the dental professionals at Oakville Place Dental Office if you experience any of these symptoms. Bring a list of your current medications because certain medications like antihistamines, decongestants, and diuretics can interfere with the production of saliva and can increase the bacteria in your mouth.

Stop smoking to decrease your chances of developing periodontal disease.

Some Final Words

Studies have been performed that compare people with gum disease vs those that do not. The conclusions indicate that those with gum disease were more likely to develop heart disease or have trouble controlling their blood sugar. Thus far there is no conclusive proof one causes the other. Researchers will continue to study this phenomena.

The benefits of a healthy mouth are abundantly clear, namely healthy relationships with co-workers, family members and friends. It could even affect your heart health.

Time to bring on the wine and roses, and, yes, feel free to reach for your special someone.

Keep your mouth healthy with regular dental visits to Oakville Place Dental Office. Contact us today with questions or to make an appointment.

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